
This is an example of our Spot UV coating option. Basically your printed item, in this case business cards, start out with no coating on them and then we add a gloss UV coating only in the areas you specify. This enables you to draw attention to specific areas or highlight certain items.

In the case of our cards shown here, we used the gloss coating over an area with nothing underneath (black on our cards). The result is a sort of ghosted logo that is shiny.

Ask for Spot UV coating on your next project!

Sadoru Cards

Sadoru Cards alt

The Sadoru Corporate cards were designed to be used by anyone in the company and therefore don’t have any one person’s name or phone number. See their personalized cards here. The front is the Sadoru logo along with their tag line, 800 number and website URL. The back was designed to be written on for notes or price quotes and has a screened logo. Both the front and back of the cards are in a matte finish but the front has a Spot UV coating added just to selected areas, in this case the logo and text. envelopes 1 color envelopes.

One color envelopes for